🪞 Mirror mirror on the wall...

Who the heck am I?
That's all!

You may have noticed that we're BIG FANS of self awareness here at this human. It is the gateway to meaningful change, inside and out. After all, wherever you go, there you'll be.

This week is the first of our deep dives into emotional health self check-ins and yes, it's about self awareness. A little reminder from last week...

The first step is ALWAYS self awareness—the ability to observe your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours without judgment. It’s about noticing how you feel and where those sensations show up in your body.

We suggest a three step process:

  1. Create some space and grab a journal.
  2. Pause and honestly ask: “How am I feeling right now?” If you’re too tired or overwhelmed to reflect, take it as a sign to step back, rest, and calm your nervous system. Return to self-inquiry when you’re in a calmer state.
  3. If it's all systems go, then try the following prompts:
    • How am I feeling? Where am I feeling it in my body?
    • How have I been contributing to my family, friends, colleagues?
    • How have my thoughts been lately?(Uplifting, positive, saddening, negative)

Then just write. Write quietly, furiously, playfully, begrudgingly, whimsically, painfully, disdainfully, joyfully.

However you do it, remember it's time for you, your emotional health, and whatever needs to surface at this time.

You've got this.


PS. Next week we'll move to step two: self acceptance. 💗

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This Human by Melis Senova

Enabling senior design professionals to be more influential within their organisations. ✨ Author of this human and design character, published by BIS Publishers.📚

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