
This Human by Melis Senova

Enabling senior design professionals to be more influential within their organisations. ✨ Author of this human and design character, published by BIS Publishers.📚

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💎 Digging Deeper into Leadership - That's where the diamonds are...

What if leadership wasn’t about control, but about connection—starting with yourself? We've all read the traditional leadership books. They focus on external strategies—processes, hierarchies, efficiency. Thanks (but no thanks) old white guys. 😉 True leadership, what we call deep leadership, begins from within. It’s about integrating all aspects of yourself—your beliefs, emotions, imagination, and attention—so that your leadership is grounded, authentic, and transformative. What is deep...

Are you getting the most out of your mornings? Are you part of the 5am club, bouncing out of bed, off for a run, a healthy breakfast, then smashing out a few chapters of your memoir, all before 8am? (me neither ;-) Or perhaps you immediately reach for your phone and dive straight into your workday and the art of being a busy person. Or maybe you're non-existent until that first hit of caffeine floods your system. How you do your mornings can significantly impact how the rest of your day...

Happy lunar new year! As you may know, this is the year of the Snake. This ancient creature has much to offer us. Here are some key themes to consider. 1. Strategic Growth & Transformation A year for thoughtful transformation, favouring calculated risks over impulsive change. 2. Creativity Meets Strategy A powerful time for innovation and long-term planning, ideal for launching creative projects. 3. Diplomacy & Charisma Enhanced eloquence and adaptability make this a favourable year for...

'Twas the year at 'this human, and all thanks to you... Together we’ve grown, and achieved so much too.Your trust and your passion, your love and your care,As you’ve fostered connections and become more aware. You joined in our workshops, with courage and might,Sharing your brilliance, and bold inner light.You embraced all the frameworks, and experiments too,Giving depth to our sessions, inspiring and true. The activities thrived because you took part,With intelligence, play, and a strong,...

"Write one true sentence." "Write the truest sentence that you know." This sage advice from Ernest Hemingway introduces the final chapter in our emotional health series, and we’re ending on a high note: self-expression. This is where the magic happens—the ability to share your thoughts, feelings, and truth authentically. You’ve done the inner work of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-regulation. Now, it’s time to let it out. Think of self-expression as the dance floor for your soul....

Oooh, we've got a live one here! Let’s talk about self-regulation. You know, that magical ability to stay calm in the middle of chaos, to respond thoughtfully instead of lashing or dashing out, in the face of big emotions. If self-awareness is noticing what’s going on and self-acceptance is making peace with who you are, self-regulation is the bridge to what you do next. It’s the art of not letting your emotions run the show, while still letting them have their say. What does self-regulation...

A person hugging a heart.

Who am I...really? Self-acceptance—it's a sticky one. What a tangled web we weave when we try to be who we think we should be instead of embracing who we truly are. Peter Parker vs Spiderman. What does self-acceptance look like? It’s the ability to accept—and forgive—yourself as you are. Not the 'best version of you' but the version that exists right now. Flaws, strengths, mistakes, triumphs, quirks, and all. It’s not about letting yourself off the hook for things that matter. It’s about...

Who the heck am I?That's all! You may have noticed that we're BIG FANS of self awareness here at this human. It is the gateway to meaningful change, inside and out. After all, wherever you go, there you'll be. This week is the first of our deep dives into emotional health self check-ins and yes, it's about self awareness. A little reminder from last week... The first step is ALWAYS self awareness—the ability to observe your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours without judgment. It’s about...

When's the last time you did a self-check in on your emotional health? Emotional health is the art of recognising and managing your inner world with clarity. It helps you navigate life’s challenges thoughtfully rather than reactively. It is the gateway to emotional mastery. When emotional mastery is achieved, the heart trusts the mind, and the mind trusts the heart.- Brendon Burchard Here’s a brief overview of four essential elements of emotional health that support emotional mastery: Self...

Arguably one of the greatest inventions of all time is the wheel. Wheels help us get from here to there with more ease. They offer a smoother ride. So, how can we use a wheel for self-care? Introducing the Wellness Wheel This version builds on the original 'six dimensions of wellness', developed in the late 1970s by Dr Bill Hettler, co-founder of the National Wellness Institute. It is an holistic approach to understanding and promoting well-being. His framework aimed to encourage individuals...