Enabling senior design professionals to be more influential within their organisations. ✨ Author of this human and design character, published by BIS Publishers.📚
Who am I...really? Self-acceptance—it's a sticky one. What a tangled web we weave when we try to be who we think we should be instead of embracing who we truly are. Peter Parker vs Spiderman. What does self-acceptance look like? It’s the ability to accept—and forgive—yourself as you are. Not the 'best version of you' but the version that exists right now. Flaws, strengths, mistakes, triumphs, quirks, and all. It’s not about letting yourself off the hook for things that matter. It’s about...
Who the heck am I?That's all! You may have noticed that we're BIG FANS of self awareness here at this human. It is the gateway to meaningful change, inside and out. After all, wherever you go, there you'll be. This week is the first of our deep dives into emotional health self check-ins and yes, it's about self awareness. A little reminder from last week... The first step is ALWAYS self awareness—the ability to observe your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours without judgment. It’s about...
When's the last time you did a self-check in on your emotional health? Emotional health is the art of recognising and managing your inner world with clarity. It helps you navigate life’s challenges thoughtfully rather than reactively. It is the gateway to emotional mastery. When emotional mastery is achieved, the heart trusts the mind, and the mind trusts the heart.- Brendon Burchard Here’s a brief overview of four essential elements of emotional health that support emotional mastery: Self...