📕 Shaping collaboration: The power of rules and norms

Knowledge is power.

Francis Bacon coined this sizzling term in the 16th century, sparking the rise of the scientific method.

Nowadays, we might say, “information is power.” In design, this is especially true when discussing project rules and norms. These rules shape our collaboration, defining participation and knowledge sharing.

Rules can be straightforward, like how long a co-design session lasts, or subtle, like expected behaviour during critiques. They also cover language, jargon, and participation modes (in-person, video, etc.)

Many rules guide our work, though not all are obvious. Designers often create workshops that suit their preferences. Some love small, unstructured, in-person sessions, while others prefer larger, structured gatherings. These choices influence the project’s direction and stakeholder engagement.

If you set the rules, remember to dial up the empathy to others’ experiences. The gift of self and other awareness allows you to adapt rules to meet different needs. You can’t satisfy everyone, but being mindful makes a big difference. Asking key questions about rules from the start can reveal how inclusive and effective our processes are. From there, anything is possible.

You’ve got this.


PS. Next week we'll start a new series all about boundaries...

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This Human by Melis Senova

Enabling senior design professionals to be more influential within their organisations. ✨ Author of this human and design character, published by BIS Publishers.📚

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